Graduating students to receive a modern graduation pin as a mark of their achievement
Artist Inni Pärnänen’s multipurpose pin concept won the design compe-tition for the graduation pin to be presented to Aalto graduates.

The jury considered jewellery artist and designer Inni Pärnänen’s design to be both modern and also timeless and stylish. The pin was also considered to be multipurpose and adaptable, as it can be used with clothing in different ways, on the lapel or as a scarf clip, or even as a bookmark.
The pin has been made from spring steel and its diameter is 35mm. Inscribed on the back of the pin will be the student’s graduation year. The seal in the middle of the pin was designed by Juha Markula in 2013.
Vice-President Anna Valtonen chaired the jury, which also included student representation.
The design competition was aimed at a limited number of entrants, who were given free rein in both choice of materials and method of production.
All participants in the Aalto University Graduation Party will be given one of these graduation pins as a mark of their achievement. At the party, the President will congratulate the graduates and present the pin to be attached to the new alumni’s lapel. The pin is then attached by a family member or close friend of the graduate. Further information about the Graduation Party - registration is open until 31 May 2018.