Graphic design students’ illustration to new art wall in Hernesaari
Armi Teva and Miia Puustinen's artwork "Helsinki24h" will decorate the new art wall that will be opened on Helsinki Day 12 June in Hernesaari, Helsinki.

The City of Helsinki organized in co-operation with Aalto University a competition for graphic design students for the illustration of the art wall in spring 2017. Winners of the competition Armi Teva and Miia Puustinen are Visual Communications Design students in Aalto University.
The task was to design a kilometer long wall, separating a construction site for ten years. Challenging weather conditions and public space set their own limits to the assignment. The competition participants were encouraged to make brave and versatile suggestions in terms of both technology and content. The evaluation criteria for the works were to consider the location and large scale as well as story-telling and implementation.
"The contest was a challenging experience, and the city encouraged us for even more courageous and narrative ideas on the way. Both of us were interested in making a Helsinki-themed storyline, and our styles fit well together", tell Teva and Puustinen.
The winning work "Helsinki 24h" is made up of 24 illustrations presenting Helsinki from morning to night. Each of the illustrations represents one hour, and together they guide the viewer through the suburb malls of Helsinki and along the city's streets. Also a series of Helsinki-themed scenes run through the illustration, and in the north end of the wall a nature trail is an ode to urban life. The jury considered the winning work featured Helsinki people and the city interestingly. The contrasts of the stories were appreciated by the jury, as well as the ability of the illustration to stand time. The stories are located across the city.
"One of the best things in the whole project was to learn how to work as a duo. All alone the task would have been heavy, but now we've got energy from each other and new ideas to finish the final suggestion", the designers explain.
Almost a kilometer long wall is being erected in Hernesaari at the moment. The wall separates Hernesaari's waterfront from the future construction site and is a work of art as well as a landmark during the construction period of the district. The wall welcomes the growing district of Hernesaari and its walkers.
The opening ceremony will be held on Helsinki Day, Tuesday 12 June starting at 17 o'clock. Teva and Puustinen will be present in the event and tell about their art work. There will also be a panel discussing the Hernesaari identity and future and the development of maritime Helsinki.
Date: 12.6. 17.00-19.00
Venue: Café Birgitta, Hernesaarenranta 2, 00150 Helsinki