Thesis Collaboration

Thesis collaboration in Bachelors or Masters level is a great way to assign a student to focus on a particular assignment for a fixed period of time.

A collaborative thesis integrates industry practice with theory and design thinking. The outcomes have frequently practical relevance to the partner while fulfilling the academic requirements and the formalities surrounding the study programme.

It can be a individual project or part of a broader collaboration initiative.

Thesis collaboration is typically formalised between the student and the partner yet following the academic process. Each assignment is separately negotiated and therefore unique, however it is expected from the company to reserve appropriate compensation and resources for the student including guidance. The School is responsible for the academic supervision and other relevant recourses for the student.

Have a preliminary idea?

Please contact: Corporate Relations, Pirita Posti, pirita.posti [at] aalto [dot] fi?subject=Interested%20in%20Thesis%20Collaboration ( )

Have already an Assignment?

Please place the thesis assignment to CareerWeb bulletin board

In case you are interested to give a thesis donation, please see further info on Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture Foundation or contact tukisaatio-arts [at] aalto [dot] fi?subject=Interested%20in%20Thesis%20Donation (

Here are some recent thesis


Page content by: | Last updated: 17.10.2017.