For employers
In cooperation with Career Services, Aalto University's Alumni and Corporate Relations offers employees a diverse range of services and supports the employment of Aalto students in jobs that correspond to their studies.
Employer cooperation provides employers with the tools needed to recruit students (internships, summer jobs, thesis positions, permanent jobs) and to build an employer image among students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
Tools for employer cooperation
Among others, the following tools can be used to recruit students:
- Aalto CareerWeb – a free-of-charge channel for advertising jobs, internships or thesis assignments
- Supported internship programmes – support for students and employers in Finland and abroad
- Information about students in working life – pay recommendations, career monitoring reports, internship practices, etc.
Various employer and recruiting events are suitable for building and maintaining an employer image and for contacting students in matters related to recruiting. Recruiting events are held for different student target groups, from large recruiting fairs to more targeted industry-specific events.
You can also reach students through our many marketing and communications channels, such as targeted mailings, event calendars and Facebook.
Ask for more information: Ulla Eskola career-arts [at] aalto [dot] fi or tel. +358 50 331 3185
Content and timing
When planning employer visibility and recruiting cooperation, it's important to consider the students' academic schedules and ensure that the right content reaches the right audience.
You can see the academic calendar for School of Arts, Design and Architecture students on the student channel Into, and this website also provides more information about degrees and degree programmes.
Partnership is a pathway to systematic and long-term employer cooperation. Long-term partnerships with various employers enable extensive employer visibility among our students and a systematic approach to the different areas of recruiting cooperation. We provides services at the Aalto University level and for specific campuses and schools.
Employer events
Aalto University Alumni and Corporate Relations collaborate with other Aalto actors to arrange a variety of recruiting events on the campuses each year.