The School of Arts, Design and Architecture Foundation

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture Foundation supports artistic and scientific research work, basic and postgraduate studies, and international cooperation at school.

The Foundation provides companies and communities with a cost-effective means of participating in research and development activities, as donations made to the foundation are for the most part tax-deductible. The Foundation allocates its grants to the field selected by the donor.

The Foundation supports

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture Foundation primarily supports

  • bachelor's and master's theses completed at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture
  • doctoral thesis
  • research work
  • publication of research results
  • corporate and product development projects related to utilizing research

The grant award decisions are made by the Foundation Board, convening 2-5 times a year.


Donations are made by means of a deed of donation, which is submitted to the Foundation. The grants are allocated to the field specified by the donor. Donated funds can also be used to establish special funds. Anniversary funds can be established by directing the gifts of money to the Foundation.

Donations are greatly appreciated as their impact on the fields represented by the Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture is significant.   

Contact information
Minna Latva-Salo
tukisaatio-arts [at] aalto [dot] fi
Tel. +358 46 9236505

Page content by: | Last updated: 20.09.2017.