There are different types of study areas e.g. group work areas and studios, with a wireless internet access, to support you with your studies.
Arabia campus
The main building of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture is currently located on the Arabia campus in Helsinki. The school will move to Otaniemi, city of Espoo, during summer 2018.
The Arabia campus area is a rapidly developing ‘centre of creativity’ that has focused particularly on art, design and technology. Developers are required to invest 1-2% of construction costs in art.
Otaniemi campus
The school's functions will move to Otaniemi in the City of Espoo during summer of 2018. The Department of Architecture is already located in Otaniemi, as are some parts of the Departments of Media and Art.
The Otaniemi campus has the highest concentration of high technology in the Nordic countries. A unique combination of education, study and business is densely packed into this small area. The community consists of 15,000 students from technology subject areas and 16,000 professionals from research organisations and tech companies.
Otaniemi is home to the university's four schools of technology: the School of Chemical Technology, the School of Electrical Engineering, the School of Engineering, and the School of Science.
Main campus to Otaniemi
The Aalto University Board made a decision on 17 June 2011 to locate its main campus in Otaniemi. The centralised campus supports boundary-breaking research and artistic activities by enabling versatile and active forms of interaction. The Aalto University campus is being built gradually in an economically and ecologically sustainable way.
The area located to the west of the Otakaari 1 building will be redeveloped as the centre of the Otaniemi campus A new look for the area and the new building to be constructed there was sought in the international Campus 2015 architectural design competition. The winning entry was a design proposal called Väre put forward by Verstas Architects. Plans are now going ahead on the basis of this design.
Video: Väre by Verstas Architects - site model of the new Aalto University campus building
Bachelor-level education being transferred to Otaniemi
The bachelor-level education of Aalto University is gradually being transferred to the Otaniemi main campus. The move began in 2013. A central hub for bachelor's degree students is being created in the existing campus premises, with the idea that students from different courses and programmes will meet up and study together.
University Consortium of Pori
Pori Urban Platform of Aalto University (PUPA) is a flexible and experimental project platform. It enables Aalto University units and degree programmes to carry out multidisciplinary education, research and production projects in cooperation with partners in the Pori and Satakunta regions. The four universities in the consortium are Aalto University, Tampere University of Technology, University of Tampere and University of Turku. Further information is available at PUPA (