
The printmaking studios provide the opportunity to work with silkscreen, intaglio and relief printing i.e. lithography, serigraphy, metallographic printing and woodcut.

Aalto ARTS’ printmaking studios are on the Arabianranta campus. The studios provide the opportunity to work with silkscreen, intaglio and relief printing i.e. lithography, serigraphy, metallographic printing and woodcut. 

The printmaking courses prepare students to manage their own professional development and techniques, and practising and developing printing methods is supported by permitting students who have completed the courses and request to work independently to use the facilities. In addition, printmaking is used as mart of many students’ final project work either as the subject of research in art theory or materials-based experimentation.

The primary objective of the programme is to let students use tools and methods that will support their professional competence. The contents of courses are thus not just about learning techniques, but teaching also focusses on the practical and research opportunities that the methods learned can offer.

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