How to Build Flourishing Innovation Ecosystems?

2014-11-18 16:00:00 2014-11-18 17:30:00 Europe/Helsinki How to Build Flourishing Innovation Ecosystems? This session is part of Aalto University Academic Summit, where world's top experts set to meet in 18–19 November. Otakaari 24, 02150, Espoo

This session is part of Aalto University Academic Summit, where world's top experts set to meet in 18–19 November.

18.11.2014 / 16:00 - 17:30
Dipoli Auditorium, Otakaari 24, 02150, Espoo, FI

World’s best innovation ecosystems, such as Silicon Valley, have grown around excellent universities. World-class universities trigger new innovations by attracting global talent and investments to produce new knowledge and pioneering technology. This session brings together world-renowned experts to analyse how university-based innovation ecosystems support economic growth and how governments can support the development of such ecosystems into productive engines of innovation.

Chair: Ilkka Niemelä, Provost, Aalto University 

Short introductions and panel discussion with:
Lesley Thompson, Director, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Lars Pallesen, President em DTU, Copenhagen, the change leader of Denmarks leading University of Technology during the university reform of Denmark starting at about 2000
Colin Whitehouse, Professor, former Deputy Chief Executive of the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the University of Sheffield
Mervi Karikorpi, Director, Innovation Environment and Renewal, The Fedieration of Finnish Technology Industries
R. Frederic Henschel, Ph.D., J.D., Foley & Lardner LLP

Registration here.

Read more about the events and see full program

The Academic Summit will convene seven sessions over two days, which will address the issue of the impact that universities make from different perspectives. The sessions will be attended by an international cohort of experts in innovation and representatives of the business sector and academia.

The Aalto University Academic Summit: “The Impact of Universities on Economic Growth” will be accompanied by the 31st World Cultural Council Award Ceremony.