LOUD exhibition at Media Centre Lume
LOUD presents new visions of sophisticated and contemporary audio products.

The exhibited concepts represent recent student works of Aalto University’s Form Exploration Project, a course organised by the Collaborative and Industrial Design MA Programme and supported by Bang & Olufsen.
With the task of seeking new solutions for experiencing digital music in the home environment, students aim to gain a deeper understanding of contemporary design and aesthetics that can withstand the test of time. Inspirational sources consisted of modern, sophisticated architecture, the built environment, new materials, and the need to understand the essence of actions undertaken during the use of audio products.
During the course, each student designed and built their own vision of a listening experience. These visions emphasize each designer’s unique relation to architecture and the built environment. In other words: these functional prototypes are brave visions of what sophisticated and contemporary audio products can be.
The loudspeakers will be presented in the Lume Media Center Gallery Hall from September 28th until October 9th.
Welcome to LOUD.
ADDRESS: Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki.
PRESS PHOTOS: aaltoloud.tumblr.com
SOME: #aaltoloud #beocreate FB: Aalto LOUD