Design Factory family expands to New York


The learning environment for product development created at Aalto has already spread to 12 universities and research organisations across the world.

The 12th member will join this global network today, 30 September, when NYC Design Factory is opened at Pace University in the United States. The first Design Factory in the United States was opened in Philadelphia in the autumn of 2015.

The Pace University Seidenberg School has already worked in active collaboration with the Design Factory network for several years. Students from the university have, for example, participated in the Product Development Project (PDP) course organised annually at Aalto University. With their own Design Factory, they will officially become a part of the international Design Factory family.

The Design Factory concept created at Aalto University is a new kind of open environment for research and education on product development. The concept aims to speed up the change in the teaching and operating culture by supporting interdisciplinary and problem-oriented learning and research.

The opening ceremony will be available to watch via a Skype connection at Design Factory at Aalto University in Otaniemi today between 15.00 and 17.00. Kalevi ‘Eetu’ Ekman, the father of the concept, will be among the participants of the opening celebrations in NYC.

Further information:

NYC Design Factory
Aalto Design Factory
Design Factory Global Network