Experience the robot bus in Otaniemi!
Two robot buses have arrived to Otaniemi and they are now available for passengers.

Robot buses operate on a preprogrammed route that covers Betonimiehenkuja, Lämpömiehenkuja and Metallimiehenkuja (Valimo). There a three stops (http://sohjoa.fi/reitti), and the buses stop automatically. The Valimo stop is out of service during the first week due.
Eight passengers may ride at a time. A supervisor will be present at all times to see to the bus’s safety. Rides on the bus are free and open to everyone.
There is no fixed schedule for the buses, instead they run on mornings and afternoons according to the table on the page https://twitter.com/automatedbusfi
”Show up to a stop, don’t be in a hurry, and wait for the bus to come”, instructs Iisakki Kosonen, a member of the project from the Department of Built Environment. “The buses move slowly, with an average speed of only 11 km/h. If it’s pouring rain, the buses do not operate.”
A test bed for new services
The robot bus trial’s goal is to see how automated vehicles perform in an urban environment and how they should be accounted for in traffic control and traffic safety planning.
The aim is also to offer companies an opportunity to test new services and products, such as different kinds of sensors, and to be a part of the development of automated traffic.
The trial is part of SOHJOA, a two-year project funded by 6Aika and co-ordinated by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Partners in the project include Aalto University, Forum Virium Helsinki, the National Land Survey of Finland and Tampere University of Technology. A parallel, associated Tekes Challenge Finland-funded preparatory project organised in collaboration with Demos Helsinki aims to focus companies’ research and development efforts. Testing of automated vehicles in Finnish conditions is a part of NordicWay, a project funded by the Finnish Transport Agency and Trafi that for its part helps prepare for new types of traffic services and the automation of road traffic.
Further information:
Iisakki Kosonen
Staff Scientist
Aalto University, Department of Built Environment
tel. +35850 5250 457
Harri Santamala
Project Manager
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences,
tel. +35840 334 1516