Young Finns value Aalto as a place to study
According to an image survey, Aalto University is the best-known university among young people.

Aalto's reputation as a place of study has remained the best in Finland among young Finns, and Aalto is also the best-known university. This year the Finnish universities’ image survey was completed by 2 000 Finns under the age of 30 and conducted by Taloustutkimus. The respondents gave universities a general grade, and Aalto’s evaluation rose to be the highest in the country, 8.45 / 10.
Degrees are valued by the labour market
The image survey included eight claims that the survey respondents used to evaluate the university. Aalto University ranked first in five of these claims: Aalto's reputation as a place of study is good, its degrees are valued in the labour market, its teaching is of high quality, it provides good opportunities for international engagement, and the university has positive visibility in the media and social media. Aalto claimed second place for the statement ‘the university stands out from other higher education institutions’.