Aalto and InnoEnergy to boost Finnish energy innovation


Cooperation fosters new innovations and entrepreneurship.

Aalto University has become a member of the European EIT InnoEnergy network. InnoEnergy works to develop innovative novel sustainable energy solutions and products.

For researchers and businesses at the Aalto University community, InnoEnergy offers partnership, support, accelerator programmes, market expertise and funding to commercialize early stage innovation from lab to market.  The InnoEnergy network includes 360 organisations from around Europe: businesses, universities and research institutes.

Aalto University had already cooperated with InnoEnergy on education in Master’s Programme in Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems, which has brought international energy master students to Aalto. Educational cooperation also takes place in PhD studies and the running of MOOC online courses.

‘In the Aalto community, new information and innovations are emerging continually. Cooperation with InnoEnergy makes accessible to us a broad network and important partners for helping to carry forward ideas related to energy and the environment from concept into practice’, says Tuija Pulkkinen, Vice President of Aalto University.

‘This agreement marks an important milestone in our development as we broaden our reach into new markets. Aalto University has a fantastic reputation for engineering solutions to humanity’s problems and will make the perfect partner as we work to unlock more of Finland’s tremendous potential”, says Kenneth Johansson, CEO at InnoEnergy Scandinavia.

InnoEnergy is the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe supported by EIT, the European Institute of Innovation Technology. Aalto University joins the Scandinavian office in the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan KTH campus in Stockholm. Aalto University hosts three other EIT innovations communities at its campus: EIT Digital, EIT RawMaterials and EIT Climate KIC.

Read more:
InnoEnergy (innoenergy.com)
European Institute of Innovation & Technology (eit.europa.eu)