M8 Art Space opens up a new series of exhibitions
Video works by Jemina Lindholm were selected as the first exhibition.

This summer, M8 Art Space at Aalto University had an open call for artists and collectives working with new media and film to present their recent or ongoing projects in the venue located in the School of Electrical Engineering.
“We want to invite artists to work with this particular exhibition space. Our philosophy in Arts and Creative Practices initiative at Aalto University is to enhance transdisciplinary ways of working”, says curator Ksenia Kaverina from Aalto University.
Video works by Jemina Lindholm were selected to be presented in an exhibition. Lindholm (b.1991) is a visual artist, producer and an Art Education master student at Aalto University. She is finishing up her Master of Arts degree at Aalto University, working mainly with moving image, photography and community based art. She has graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tampere University of Applied Sciences in 2014 in Tampere, Finland.
Lindholm is interested in the experience of living with an illness, intimacy and relationships, relational aesthetics and collaborative methods. Thus, the selected artworks discuss the open call themes–Uncertainty and System–from different viewpoints. Firstly, they portray the uncertainty of living with a chronic illness and secondly, the body or being a human in relation to different notions of the word 'system'.
"I applied exhibition time at M8 Art Spaces because the space is not a typical gallery space and it seemed particularly interesting. The themes of the open call were also interesting to me. I approach the themes from the point of view of the body and illness, and it is interesting to see what new space and environment bring to the works", says Lindholm.
M8 Art Space shows lens-based and digital artworks. The space that consists of four high-resolution screens is located in the building of the School of Electrical Engineering, hosting also Aalto Ventures.
The previous show in M8 Art Space was an exhibition by Aalto University's artist-in-residence Pilvi Takala. The further programme will be announced later in the fall – proposals from artists are welcome. Programme so far is built through inviting artists, who have a connection with Aalto University (students, teaching staff, or alumni).
Date: 14.9.–31.10.2018
Venue: M8 Art Space, Maarintie 8, Otaniem, Espoo
More information:
Curator Ksenia Kaverina, Aalto University, ksenia.kaverina@aalto.fi