Super week for fashion students from Aalto University

2. helmikuu 2015

Three collections from Aalto students in the Hyères Fashion Festival final and first prize from Designers’ Nest Award announced on the same week.

Honored Press releases

A prize-winning weekend for the Department of Film, Television, and Scenography

2. helmikuu 2015

Pietari Peltola was presented with the best cinematography award at the Gothenburg Film Festival, and several ELO staff and alumni won Jussi Awards.

Studies Honored

Aalto University Endowment portfolio returns 6.3% in 2014

30. tammikuu 2015

Purpose of the Aalto University Endowment is to generate additional funding for world-class research and education.


Science Fiction has a role to play in the design of the Internet of Things

30. tammikuu 2015

Stories are a useful tool for imagining how, for example, people use new technologies such as those designed for use in smart residential care homes.

Science and art

  • digi

Design chairs born from Finnish aircraft plywood

29. tammikuu 2015

Aalto University students demonstrate their skills at the Stockholm Furniture Fair from 3 to 7 February.

Studies Press releases

Three collections from Aalto in the Hyères Fashion Festival final

29. tammikuu 2015

Elina Määttänen, Sophie Sälekari and the partnership of Elina Äärelä and Heini-Maria Hynynen have been selected to be among the ten finalists.


Pack-Age is collaboration between students, teachers and companies

26. tammikuu 2015

An interdisciplinary packaging design project course solves companies’ packaging challenges.

Studies Cooperation

  • pack-age

Helsinki School takes photographers into the world of success

23. tammikuu 2015

The Helsinki School photography project is celebrating 20 years of operation and is presenting a broad international programme.

Cooperation Other

More functional tablet publications are born – thanks to HabLab

9. tammikuu 2015

The means to assess the usability of touchscreens has been lacking. As a solution, HapLab has been developed.

Science and art

  • digi

Aalto University master's programmes open for applications

15. joulukuu 2014

The application deadline is 30 January 2015.


Albert Einstein award presented to cell communication researcher

17. marraskuu 2014

The awards ceremony kicked off the Academic Summit at Aalto University.

Honored Other Press releases

Smart fabrics to Brussels

10. marraskuu 2014

Smart fabrics such as wearable electronics and e-textiles will be showcased at European Parliament in Brussels 17 -21 November.

Cooperation Press releases

Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology supports Aalto's strategy and operations

6. marraskuu 2014

The foundation turned 35, and got a new name.


Make entrepreneurship part of your life at university and beyond

16. lokakuu 2014

Students interested in entrepreneurship are well-catered for at Aalto University.


Doors open to the fashion market

13. lokakuu 2014

The university's fashion show has grown into a world-class spectacle and it draws attention from international talent scouts and the fashion media.


Aalto University takes sustainable development expertise to China

9. lokakuu 2014

The goal is to achieve new partnerships and business activities in China.


Aalto University visibly present at Frankfurt Book Fair

7. lokakuu 2014

Teaching innovations, graphic expertise, spatial design, art and literature.

Cooperation Press releases

Aalto EE offers executive education in Iran

7. lokakuu 2014

First globally accredited Executive MBA programme launched in Iran

Studies Cooperation Press releases

Yrjö Sotamaa receives a Chinese Friendship Award

29. syyskuu 2014

Professor Emeritus Yrjö Sotamaa has received today the Chinese Government Friendship Award from the Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai.

Honored Press releases

Aalto University appointed three new vice presidents

15. syyskuu 2014

The Aalto University Board has appointed three new vice presidents, to commence their work on 1 October 2014.


  • tuija_pulkkinen
  • eero_eloranta
  • antti_ahlava
  • vice_president

Press Play combines architecture and algorithms into a live LEGO installation

12. syyskuu 2014

A group of students in architecture and engineering have studied algorithms and harnessed them for specific purposes using LEGO bricks.

Studies Cooperation Press releases

Finland needs the best talent to succeed

2. syyskuu 2014

President Tuula Teeri emphasised the importance of global competitiveness and know-how based on Finnish strengths during her address at the opening.

Other Press releases

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