ClimateLaunchPad green business idea competition is now open
Do you have a green business idea?
Take part in the ClimateLaunchPad competition by 20 April to turn that idea into a global business!
The ClimateLaunchPad competition aims to accelerate innovation that enables a low-carbon future. The competition scouts cleantech talent and helps them grow their sustainable idea into a global business. By looking for the world's best sustainability ideas, ClimateLaunchPad aims to unlock the world’s cleantech potential and create opportunities for innovators to address climate change.
The competition is open to early stage cleantech entrepreneurs, researchers and students with a green business idea. Proposals also from outside Aalto University are welcome. The business idea can be an innovation in renewable energy, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a mind shift in urban mobility or any other way to tackle climate change.
In 2014, ClimateLaunchPad set off in seven countries. Since then, the competition has exploded. Now, three years later, ClimateLaunchPad is organised in 34 countries and it has become the world’s largest green business idea competition spreading also outside Europe.
In Finland, ClimateLaunchPad 2017 kicks off in May with an intensive Boot Camp and follow-up Coaching Sessions. In June, the teams compete in the ClimateLaunchPad National Final in front of an expert jury. On top of this, the top-3 teams will be sent to Cyprus in October to pitch their ideas in the Grand Final.
Find out more and take part by 20 April at
ClimateLaunchPad is part of the EU-backed EIT Climate-KIC initiative which Aalto University joined as a partner in 2015. The competition is coordinated in Finland by Impact Iglu.
For more information:
Sini Olkanen