Game Changers – Aalto's impact on society
Game Changers is a timeline with stories about people, events and innovations, which have had a great impact on Finnish society and economy.

The stories are linked to Aalto University and its predecessors in different ways, spanning from the 19th century into the future. The timeline also features videos. The first one is about Professor Gustaf Komppa, who was a chemistry teacher and researcher for nearly fifty years.
Add to the story
We would like to hear your suggestion to the story, be it from the University's past or relating to its future. Visit the Game Changers timeline ( and send the story by clicking on the 'propose' button. Should you have an anecdote fitting a story already on the timeline, you can send that the same way to us, too.
The timeline is being improved in order to make it mobile compatible, for instance. There is also a physical timeline which can be seen at the Undergraduate Centre in Otakaari 1, Espoo.
Game Changers is one of some twenty Aalto University Finland 100 projects. (
#finland100 #aalto
More information:
Tatu Pohjola
Project Manager, Finland 100
Aalto University, Communications
tel. +358 50 576 0125,