Aalto Festival presents student insights
May is full of public events at Aalto University.

Aalto Festival offers exhibitions, lectures, seminars, displays and galas – a total of over a hundred different events which will present the results of creative cooperation from a variety of different fields. Find out more about Aalto Festival’s diverse programme either online or through the mobile app. The festival is already under way! aaltofestival.fi
Here is a selection of the seminars on offer:
‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ and other business delicacies. Students from the Master's Programme in International Design Business Management present innovative business projects and discuss the benefits and challenges of multidisciplinary cooperation. The groups will be presenting to their business partners and to the public their final proposals – the coming together of eight months of intense work, creativity and research from around the world. IDBM Impact on Friday 19 May from 9:30am to 6pm, Valkoinen sali, Aleksanterinkatu 16, Helsinki. The event will be held in English.
‘State Office Holder 2.0’ – what is the future of work in the civil service? Students challenge public sector practices on the Design for Government course, which involves cooperation from the Prime Minister’s Office and five other ministries. Students on the course have considered the future of work for government officials and tackled the challenges of food production and distribution from the perspective of the recycling economy. The work groups will present their final proposals in the final seminar on Tuesday 23 May from 9am to 12pm in Valkoinen sali, Aleksanterinkatu 16, Helsinki. The event will be held in English.
Open doors in the Start-Up Center. During the afternoon you can get familiar with the center’s layout, meet the entrepreneurs, hear fresh stories of entrepreneurship and other news from Aalto, and enjoy music and refreshments. Aalto Start-Up Center Spring Festival, Tuesday 23 May from 2pm to 5pm at Aalto Start-Up Center, Maarintie 6, Espoo. The event will be held in English.
How to pack cognac, spices and other aromatic ingredients in a new way? The multidisciplinary design teams of the Pack-Age minor module present their innovative packaging to their business partners and the public on Wednesday 24 May from 1pm to 4pm. Pack-Age Show, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo. The event will be held in English.
Making knowledge visible – but how? The Visualizing Knowledge seminar, which looks at the visual presentation of information and information design, will bring together themes and experts from around the world on the subjects of science, art, journalism and design. It will be held on Monday 29 May from 9am to 5pm at Aalto University School of Business, Runeberginkatu 14–16, Helsinki. The event will be held in English.