Energy Forum lecture series: The future energy system
The key players in Finland's energy sector present their views on the energy systems of the future.

The top-level lecture series that covers the whole autumn presents the views of the key players in Finland's energy sector on the energy systems of the future, the present situation, as well as visions and solutions.
The lecture series also functions as a discussion forum in the energy field.
The lectures will take place on Thursdays at 16.15–18.00 and they are open to all who are interested. The first hour is reserved for presentations and the rest is for discussion.
Students at Aalto University will also be able to attend an introductory course linked with the lecture series: Introduction to advanced energy solutions, which will cover the same topics.
14.9.2017 | Management of changing electricity grid, Fingrid, Dipoli |
21.9.2017 | Changes in the energy system; future energy system in a large company point-of-view, Fortum, Dipoli |
28.9.2017 | Active consumer behaviour, intelligent networks, lecture hall T1 (C202), Konemiehentie 2 |
5.10.2017 | Role of buildings and users in future energy system, Ramboll, Dipoli |
12.10.2017 | CANCELLED: Role of local energy companies and relationship to consumers, Helen, Dipoli |
19.10.2017 | Energy system change in large industrial customer point-of-view, Valmet Oyj, lecture hall 215, Otakaari 4 |
26.10.2017 | No lecture |
2.11.2017 | Bioeconomy and circular economy; resource efficiency in relation to energy system change, VTT, lecture hall Ke2, Kemistintie 1 |
9.11.2017 | Bioproduct sector: new products and opportunities; Finland as forest industry country, UPM, Dipoli, auditorio Lumituuli, Otakaari 24 |
16.11.2017 | Road transport energy and GHG emission development scenarios – key drivers and their impact, ST1, lecture hall Ke2, Kemistintie 1. Notice! The lecture is held 15.30–17.00. |
23.11.2017 | The Energy Revolution – the solutions for the Power System Challenges, Wärtsilä, Dipoli, auditorio, Otakaari 24 |
30.11.2017 | Role of guidance and policy actions in energy system transition, Energiavirasto, Ke2, Kemistintie 1 |
7.12.2017 | EU dimension in energy system change; what affects energy systems, what is currently happening, TEM, TU1, Maarintie 8 |
Link to the live stream:
Lecture materials can be found in MyCourses after the lecture:§ion=4
For additional information:
Mikko Kouhia
Coordinator, Advanced Energy Solutions
tel. +35850 342 7212 |
The lecture series is part of th enew Master's Programme Advanced Energy Solutions:
- Advanced Energy Solutions - Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability
- Advanced Energy Solutions - Sustainable Energy Conversion Processes
- Advanced Energy Solutions - Sustainable Energy Systems and Markets
- Advanced Energy Solutions - Sustainable Energy in Buildings and Built Environment