Sami themes will become games
Sami Game Jam will bring together experienced game developers and Sami people interested in game development in Utsjoki in February.

Digital games will be used to explore Sami culture in the Sami Game Jam in Utsjoki, Finland’s northernmost municipality, on February 21–25, 2018. The event is an intensive multiple day game jam, during which the games will be created by diverse teams from an idea into a playable game. The event is part of Aalto University’s Game Design programme at the Department of Media.
“I liked the idea of developing games based on Sami culture. These games are based on a real and interesting cultural context”, says Head of Department of Media Philip Dean.
The games developed in the event will be combined into an exhibition in cooperation with Aalto University and the Finnish Museum of Games. The exhibition will be made available in three languages: in Northern Sami, in Finnish and in English. The games and themes as well as the stories behind them will travel through museums and exhibition spaces in Finland and Europe, and possibly even further during 2019 and 2020. The preliminary name of the exhibition is “Sami in Play”.
“Sami people are the only recognized indigenous group in Finland and Scandinavia, and media originating from Sami culture, especially games, is rare. The Sami Game Jam with its communal approach aims to open new avenues into Sami culture and traditional storytelling. We hope the event will spark the gameful expression of Sami artists and increase knowledge about the Sami globally”, says the woman behind the idea and the project, Annakaisa Kultima from Finnish Game Jam ry.
As with other game jams, the games will be built around predefined themes. The games developed in the Sami Game Jam will draw influences from twelve Sami themes, that focus on the past, present and future of the Sami.
Those interested in participating may apply by 3.2.2018. Previous game making experience is not required, as the games are created in cooperation with experienced game developers. The participants will receive compensation for their travel costs. The Sami Game Jam is organized by Finnish Game Jam in cooperation with the municipality of Utsjoki. The event is supported by the Majaoja Foundation and Neogames.
Date: February 21–25, 2018
Venue: The Áilegas Centre, Utsjoki
For more information:
Annakaisa Kultima, Finnish Game Jam ry, Aalto University, Tel. +358 50 443 7258,