Interior design students’ Nirvana exhibition in Stockholm
The student work exhibition presents colorful chairs.

Aalto University's third-year BA students of Interior Architecture are participating the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair in Stockholm on June 6-10 February. The student works’ exhibition presents twelve spectacularly colorful chairs.
"We started planning chairs for relaxation and idleness, and above all what it means as a state of mind. We were playing with the idea if, when relaxing, it is possible to clear one’s mind and reach nirvana. Eventually, this became the name of the exhibition”, explains BA student Mindele Grant.
The biggest challenges in chair design were the curves and folds of aluminum blade and polycarbonate sheet. Particularly when making large circular and cup-shaped forms, students and the workshop staff worked tightly together to make the forms possible.
"I believe that I can speak for our entire group, when I say that this has been one of the most challenging but most rewarding furniture projects. For many of us the exhibition is the first design project on this scale, and we have learned a lot", tells Grant.
The largest furniture fair in the Nordic countries gathers the industry’s finest in Stockholm in February. The Nirvana exhibition will be seen at the popular Greenhouse department, which will be larger this year than before. Aalto University has participated at the fair for several years drawing deserved attention.
Date: February 6–10, 2018
Venue: Furniture & Light Fair, Greenhouse department C17:35, Stockholm
For more information:
Interior Architecture student Mindele Grant, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Tel. +358 50 5746 266,
Interior Architecture student Johanna Ekman, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Tel. +358 50 5601 230,
Interior Architecture lecturer, Martin Relander, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture,
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