Master's thesis on the development of Helsinki meadow network wins Lappset prize
The Lappset scholarship for 2017 has been awarded to Landscape Architect Anni-Mari Anttola.

According to the remuneration criteria Anttola's thesis "Helsinki Meadows Network - Analysis and Development Plan" presents a new and interesting approach for meadows and open spaces as part of the green structure networks in the growing city. The project explores innovatively the urban ecology of meadows from the point of view of landscape architecture and convincingly presents the principles of development at the level of land use, landscape management and conservation.
Anttola has taken on a current and very demanding topic that has also required profound knowledge of urban ecology. The thesis suggests the significance of the Helsinki meadow network and its results are also more widely applicable in the development of open space scenarios for condensed cities.
“Anni-Mari Anttola’s work is linked to global concern about the decline in pollinator insects and the loss of biodiversity. The network of meadows is a key factor in biodiversity. It is very important to focus in landscape architecture on fostering traditional meadows and on creating new biotopes, such as diverse traffic green areas and green roofs”, says Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Ranja Hautamäki from Aalto University.
The Lappset scholarship is given to the best Master’s thesis in Landscape Architecture and it is awarded each year to a meritorious student in the Landscape Architecture Program at the Aalto University. The prize amount is € 1,700 and is donated by Lappset Group Oy.
For more information:
Landscape Architect Anni-Mari Anttola, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture,