Master’s Programme in Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA)

Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA) accepts new students every second year. Next admission time for studies to start in the FALL 2018 is December 15, 2017 – January 24, 2018.

Next admission time for studies to start in the FALL 2018 is December 15, 2017 – January 24, 2018.

Applicants need to fill in the Online application form ( and submit the application package to Admission Services. Late applications will not be processed. Please note that the postmark of January 24 is not enough; the application must arrive at Admission Services by the given deadline. Please, see the guidelines about submitting the application:


The admission criteria is based on the applicants’ educational backgrounds, other studies and orientation in the field, as assessed through: 1) a letter of intent and a study plan, including a section of proposed area of research, 2) portfolio, 3) curriculum vitae and 4) evaluation consultation (interview) for the applicants selected to the second phase. Consideration is given to pedagogical intentions, interaction and communication abilities, and multiply literacies and competences.

We only accept electronic portfolios. Applicants should upload their portfolio to the application system in a single PDF-file before submitting the application. Your application must include, in addition to the application form, the following to be considered complete for NoVA programme:

  1. A letter of intent and a study plan, maximum two (2) double-spaced A4 pages, that includes a description of personal goals and interests for NoVA, proposed area of research, aim of study, and professional goals, and choice of NoVA exchange university (first and second choice). In particular, the letter should indicate an understanding of opportunities for study in NoVA, express an interest in the field of art education and/or visual studies.
  2. Portfolio (one PDF document): Collection of artwork and/or images of activities which you have been involved with (such as artistic, pedagogical, museum, gallery, public, activist, cultural, or social engagement work). The collection should consist of maximum 10 images. You may include both still and moving images, such as a video artwork, or filmed performance or installation work, limited to 2 minutes each in length. The videos need to be included as links into the PDF (e.g. links to Vimeo, You Tube). All work submitted should be labeled with your name, title of work, media, dimension, date completed, and any additional text you wish to provide. Please include this information on your portfolio. In addition, include a written statement, no longer than 2 double-spaced A4 pages that provides a context for the work (EX: What ideas and issues are important in my work/activities? What artistic context would I place my work/activities in? What artists and cultural workers have influenced me? What images have affected me, and how?).
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV), maximum two (2) double-spaced A4 pages.

The applicants selected to the second phase will take part to the evaluation consultation (interview). Interviews will be carried out in person, and by telephone or Skype, for applicants who are not in Finland at the time of the interview.