
Aalto ARTSin kuvataidekasvatuksen ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoiden valokuvauskurssin näyttely

Tremble (Tärinä), An on-line Exhibition with the first year art education Students

The exhibition was created as a pedagogical Process during the BA course Introduction to Photography.The focus of the course is in each student’s artistic process through contemporary photography with assignments that help the students in learning the use of a DSLR camera as well as think and discuss the constructed image. Although the course emphasises the students’ individual processes, as it is a beginners course with a large amount of technical information, there are some guidelines and assignments for the students to follow.

The assignment titles, which can be fairly openly interpreted, are Portrait of the Other, Private and Public, Photography as a method and It’s a Set up. In addition to these assignments, the students make pinhole cameras from cardboard boxes to demonstrate the basic phenomenon of photographic image and use coffee developer to have an experience of the old school developing technique and the magic of photography. A great importance during the course is in a critical discussion about the photographic image in contemporary art and art education. The motto of the course is a famous quote by Ansel Adams, also used by Alfredo Jaar in his 2014 Kiasma Show: You don’t take a Photograph, you make it.

